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Finding thrill in the mundane

By Jessica Kriedemann

I’ve always known that I wanted to be here and be here doing this. I don’t think you’d ever say so though if you met me. I don’t wake up every day with an urge to read my daily newspaper and interviews and debates make my heart drop to my toes nearly every time I have to do them. It’s the creativity and diversity of Journalism that has called me and my love for anything exciting. This course, this career is my challenge. I hope I’m hardcore enough.

During these last eight months something has changed. My confidence has grown and I have become more opinionated. Somehow, the need to say what’s sitting in my throat is no longer simply swallowed. Learning what you stand for and how much you’re willing to scrap to fight for it is irrevocable. Racism has been a big theme this year and with a more astute eye, lingering prejudices in our country infuriate me even more.

I have my thoughts on politics and our country, everyone has to now, but the role of the outspoken political journalist is not necessarily the road I want to take. I know I want to specialise in design and be able to get creative, but being confined to one room scares me. Out in the open and with people is a must. Sociable and extroverted, I want to be where the vibe is. I’m just not sure what type of vibe that is yet. Am I supposed to?

People interest me and when our lecturer told us that, “everyone has a story”, I knew I somehow wanted to be the person to find those stories in the most mundane people and perhaps put them through a medium which is fresh and different. It’s all about relating, normally music says it all. If we can relate to each other’s experience then we’re never alone.

Writing about arts and entertainment, the buzz of the night life and the venture from lecture to lecture, from reading to reading, during the day. Personal experiences and opinions on matters that burst my bubble, and as always, proudly
South African.

(369 words)


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