Write some words about you and your blog here

Do I want to know what you wrote this semester?

By Jessica Kriedemann
Blog: I know what you wrote last semester

With a name that plays off the name of one of my all time old favourite scary movies of 1997, I know what you did last summer; the title instantly caught my attention and gave me a chuckle.

Their blog title also swings into their theme and design, with a bold title and almost gloomy black page. I hope that that was intentional. I was disappointed to find very few pictures or any type of designed images on their site though, with only the compulsory pictures being put up. Due to this, their posts seemed to all run into each other and I often found myself a little bit bored with nothing to really catch my eye. With their introductory personal post, photos could have been added as well, get the reader to connect more with each blogger.

However, the best thing about this blog is that it made me laugh and I enjoyed it because it was not overally political. It related well to the average Rhodes’ Student lifestyle with topics varying from nights out on the town, our SRC and animal rights. Although the posts were very opinionated, well thought out and sometimes stimulating, I thought that the group brought less than what they initially said I would gain from reading it. After all, their challenging statement in their first post: “if you don't like what is being said here, download porn instead” made me sit up and lean into my screen.


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