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Victory in the Settlements

PIC: ciaranichonaill on

By Ayanda Mhlanga

The Abahlali baseMjodolo Movement (ABM) were fighting for the scrapping of the Slums Act but had lost the case in Durban High Court in January this year to Judge Shabalala’s ruling. The Mercury article painted the ruling as almost ridiculous because the information provided made me side with the ABM. It’s a good thing they appealed, because Deputy Chief Justice Dikgang Moseneke of Constitutional Court ruled that section 16 of the Slums Act was unconstitutional in October.

That first judge probably wasn’t too keen on shacks, understandably, they are not that pretty to look at and they were in his province; but people live there and people deserve respect, and a home.

The story seems to have been covered by one media agency, SAPA; this is disappointing as media did not really interact with the issue so one has little to base opinion on, because it is all recycled into the various publications.

The members were also involved in attacks by a mob during one of their meetings. An attack that occurred, coincidentally, 2 weeks before their appeals case was to be heard. There were certain allegations about who could have been behind the whole situation; the suspect being ANC members, which was dismissed without much thought. My intent is not to point any fingers but pose a question. I cannot imagine why a mob would attack an organisation that was trying to stand up for the people living in settlements made of those who co-inhabit with them. Can you?


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