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A objective look at un-objectivity

By Ayanda Mhlanga

Reviewed Blog: The Art of Unobjectivity

I stumbled upon this blog by mistake, while looking for another one, at first glance the seemingly clean presentation caught my eye, the look made me feel as if I could take it seriously and I quite liked the idea of being un-objective. The blog which is by 5 Journalism1 students, seemed set on being un-objective. The initial posts, which seem to be posted by a group of princesses who chose to remain faceless, left me quite confused as one could not really get who the blogs were relating to.

I found some of the early posts laborious to get through even though it was an easy format to read, maybe this could have been because of the lack of illustrations to keep me interested. The princesses proceeded to write in different fonts with different colours, which disrupted the uniformity. The writing picked up after the initial manifestos, and the uniformity returned.
The matter covered is very consistent though with interesting takes on being politically correct and of course the validity of objectivity, though a lot of the news topics were international which disappointed me slightly as I am not particularly interested in boy band members passing away, and love local relevant information, for an international audience though, this is good.

In this blog expect to find many floating URL’s few visuals or extra’s but some good writing on certain topics; the posts I looked forward to reading were Jessica Kate’s, whose writing was clear and interesting. How un-objective are they you may want to know, well I don’t know if I’m the right girl to come to for an objective opinion.


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