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I regretted it but I did it for brave journalists around the world

Recently my friend and I did something we have never done before. We wanted to get out of our comfort zones. I am not a person who takes making a fool out of myself lightly so this was a big step for me. We went to another res and crashed their awards dinner. After having a few cups of punch and some cocktail sausages we started to get strange looks from other people. Eventually a very rude girl decided to tell us that we weren’t invited and she threatened to call their sub-warden. We left very quickly. I remember feeling very nervous before I went to the party but I went with the flow and let my wild friend convince me how much fun it would be. I must admit after a few drinks I left my worries behind and praised myself for being so carefree. However I left the party feeling exactly how I felt on arrival, like an idiot.


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