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This chicken ‘stew’ looks a lot like a chicken leg.

By Jessica Kriedemann

I don’t think the image of the foot long, green and brown strangled sausage I got slapped onto my plate during orientation week will ever leave my memory. The same can be said for the oh so desirable onion and tomato fish wrapped in tin foil which permanently put me off seafood ever since the first glance...or whiff.

Dining Hall food. Initially, I liked most of it: it was a treat getting slap chips with most meals and by ignoring the worry of first year spread, desert four times a week made me smile.

However, as the year is coming to an end, I miss the simple things like a cheese and tomato toastie. Being served two, big, Sunday lunch-type meals a day can get a bit much and often I’m not too sure what I’m putting in my mouth. Friends of mine have even labelled an unknown meat, “dead street kid” which is controversial, shameful and just gross. Breakfasts were an issue too, when this year the University’s budget cut out things like croissants and French toast and left us with a cup of cereal and a green egg each. We signed petitions, but that seemed to get swept under the rug very quickly.

I am grateful for the food, and as time passes I have learnt ways to give myself some variety. Melted feta on toast tastes a lot like Tassers cheese and cutting up the crumbed chicken and putting it with some salad and chutney, makes for one yummy “crumbed chicken salad with roasted peppers on a bed of fresh greens”.

However, I cannot wait to move into a private digs in third year...because well, in my opinion, veggies need to be cooked properly and I want to be able to open up a fridge at say three in the morning.


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