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why I love to stalk blogs?

When I reed the blog, confesionsofjournstudents, it makes me truly believe that I am a student, a young student discovering the ways of the world without a care. The language used in the blog is colloqial and uses a great amount of slang. It is extremely conversational meaning it will appeal to young students. The bloggers described that the aim of the blog was is to share journalistic experience with other journalists but if they are trying to capture the attention of journalists they should be more careful of spelling mistakes as it implies that the blogger does not take writting seriously or the reader. They want to make people aware of the events going on in the world and they do this well by using many realistic, attention grabbing photographs. However if they wanted to be attention grabbing they should have made their blog more colourful and easier to read instead of having to constantly scroll down. The bloggers aim was to show people how to be good journalists and good citizens and I believe they strike a good balance between they two whether it be discussing photojournalism or political issues in our universities.

I believe this blog is significant because it stretches the boundaries of personal writting within the English language. The bloggers are very personal and revealing of who they are. It feels that it is a gift to be able to read their blogs and ultimately their thoughts


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